Metropolitan State University is a member of the Minnesota State College and University system.
Since 1971, we have been committed to meeting the higher education needs of people in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul communities. We are a fully accredited, comprehensive university. Metropolitan State University is located on four campuses: St. Paul, Midway, Minneapolis, and Brooklyn Park/LECJEC.
Metropolitan State University’s mission, vision, and values focus on excellence, engagement, diversity and inclusion, an open and respectful climate, and integrity. These values are integral to creating learning environments that support, recognize, and celebrate students, staff, faculty, and community members with a various identities and experiences that they bring to their educational experiences.
The mission of Metropolitan State University is:
- …a comprehensive urban university committed to meeting the higher education needs of the Twin Cities and greater metropolitan population.
- The university will provide accessible, high-quality liberal arts, professional, and graduate education to the citizens and communities of the metropolitan area, with continued emphasis on underserved groups, including adults and communities of color.
- Within the context of lifelong learning, the university will build on it’s national reputation for innovative student-centered programs that enable students from diverse backgrounds achieve their educational goals.
- The university is committed to academic excellence and community partnerships through curriculum, teaching, scholarship, and services designed to support an urban mission.
The vision of Metropolitan State University is:
- [As] a member of the Minnesota State College and University system, [Metropolitan State University] will be the premier urban, public, comprehensive system university in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and will provide high-quality, affordable educational programs and services in a student-centered environment.
- The faculty, staff, and students of Metropolitan State will reflect the area’s rich diversity, build a culturally competent and anti-racist learning community and demonstrate an unwavering commitment to civic engagement.
There are many different words and phrases that we use at Metropolitan State University. Another important resource is a glossary of terms, Metropedia, that will make much more sense once you review them!
Questions to consider
- Where are the four campus locations?
- What are Metropolitan State University’s five values?
- What parts of the mission or vision are important to you as an incoming student?
An important part of your academic experience is making sure you can access your accounts. Some key accounts include your: University e-mail (you will be able to use a StarID format: StarID@minnstate.edu or a Metro State format: firstname.lastname@my.metrostate.edu), eServices, and Desire to Learn (D2L). You will also learn how to get your Student ID Card.
It is important to keep all your login information confidential- do not share your password(s) with anyone. Your Star ID password will need to be renewed every 180 days, so be sure to take note of your user information.
You will use your MinnState StarID (example: eu3328nb@minnstate.edu) to access your Metropolitan State University accounts with a mechanism called “single sign-on.” Make sure you check your e-mail at least once a week- Metropolitan State University sends all official communication to this account.
Metropolitan State University uses the “eduroam” network for wireless connection. To login, use your Star ID (example: eu3328nb@minnstate.edu) and use your password to log on.
All important portals can be found on www.metrostate.edu in the “Students’ online tools” section.
- You can find and activate your Star ID by logging in to the Minnesota State site.
- You can access your e-mail account by logging in to the university-based system. You can also use Microsoft products through this portal.
- You can access D2L Brightspace here.
- D2L is the site that most classes use for updates regarding syllabus, assignments, discussions, etc. You will also take trainings and quizzes on D2L, so get to know this interface well!
- You can access your eServices here.
- You will register for classes on eServices, access your academic records and advising report(s), and access your financial aid (including scholarships). You will learn more about registration, academic records, advising report(s), and financial aid at on-campus, in-person New Student Orientation.
- Technology services portal can be used if you have issues connecting to the internet, e-mail, eServices, or other resources. If you cannot log on, you can contact Information Technology Services at: 651-793-1240.
You will need at student ID to access parking, printing, and the library at Metropolitan State University. Make sure to bring a form of identification and have your Star ID information to be able to get your ID card printed. Your picture will be taken, so be prepared!
- ID card services are available at Admissions (1st Floor Founders Hall) and at the Library Circulation Desk (2nd Floor Library). They are open during normal university business hours: 8am-4:30pm.
Once you have your ID card, you will have your Technology ID. Your Technology ID is the 8-digit numerical code located on the bottom right corner of your ID card.
Questions to consider
- What is your Star ID?
- Can you log in to your accounts? If not, who will you contact?
- What are important uses for your Student ID card?
Metropolitan State University takes safety of all students, staff, faculty, and community members seriously.
Security services are contracted from a professional security agency. Officers wear relaxed uniforms and are trained on a variety of security and safety-related procedures. They are authorized to take appropriate action to ensure safety and security at Metropolitan State University. They are often augmented by local police, fire, and ambulance units.
Security officers can provide general support and act as escorts on all four of the Metropolitan State University campuses.
All members of the university will receive emergency notifications, also known as STAR Alerts, if there are campus-related emergencies or events that impact campus operations. Students can provided updated contact information for emergency notifications here (https://metrostate.bbcportal.com/).
Safety information, including emergency notifications, procedures, security reports, and Campus Security Authority (CSA) information, can be found on the Public Safety and Security (https://www.metrostate.edu/students/support/safety) section of the university website.
Questions to consider
- Do all campuses have security officers?
- If you have a cell phone, have you entered all the security phone numbers into it?
- Is your contact information updated in eServices and in the Star Alert system?
As a member of the Metropolitan State academic community, your responsibilities include:
- Civility towards others
- Respect for diverse opinions
- Academic honesty and integrity
You have a right to attend classes in a community free from violence, harassment, fraud, theft, disruption or intimidation.
The Student Handbook is an interactive resource that explains more about your rights and responsibilities. It is your responsibility to review and comply with these important policies. Note that all policies, procedures, academic schedules, program information, and fees are subject to change at any time by appropriate action of the faculty, Metropolitan State administration, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees or the Minnesota Legislature without prior notification.
Student Conduct
Student conduct rules are found in Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) Board of Trustees Policies that apply statewide to all MNSCU campuses and students. These are commonly referred to as Education Policies 3.6 (Student Conduct Policy) and Procedure 3.6.1. In addition, Metropolitan State University has a Student Conduct Code, Policy 1020. It is your responsibility to become familiar with student conduct policies. We recommend that you fully review these policies before beginning course work on campus—this is especially important as the conduct guidelines may be different than whatever school or college you have been a member of before.
Undergraduate Academic Standing
In order to be in Good Academic Standing, you are expected to maintain a cumulative Metropolitan State GPA of at least 2.0, and to successfully complete at least 67% of the cumulative Metropolitan State credits attempted, including credits transferred.
University Email Policy
Metropolitan State University has designated one email system as the official method of communication with students for all university‐related business. Upon admission, you received an email account. You are responsible for reading university emails sent via your university email accounts.
Academic integrity policies and procedures
The Student Guide to Academic Integrity states: “The integrity of the learning process is important in an educational context. Students must present their own original work to their teacher in order to demonstrate and improve their mastery of concepts and skills. Academic dishonesty undermines this relationship between learner and teacher that forms the foundation of higher learning.”
Metropolitan State University has identified violations and has a created a number of sanctions for these violations:
- Cheating
- Academic Misconduct
- Academic Fraud
- Fabrication
- Falsification
- Forgery
- Plagiarism
- Double Submission
- Collusion
Academic Integrity Policy #2190
Academic Integrity Procedures #219
Academic Integrity Violation Report Form
Plagiarism resources for students and faculty
Absence from Classes Because of Illness or Emergencies
Departments and Instructors have the right to enforce attendance policies, including mandatory first class attendance. When you register for courses, review the Class Schedule for special instructions such as “Attendance at the first class meeting is required; no one will be admitted after the first class meeting.”
Be sure to review the syllabus for the attendance policy as some instructors may lower your grade or fail you if you miss a certain number of class sessions. If you are going to miss class, you should contact the professor.
Students are dropped for nonattendance or nonparticipation after either the first two class sessions or after the second week of the term. You are ultimately responsible for dropping courses if you no longer plan to attend/participate.
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA gives you certain rights with respect to your education records. These rights include:
- The right to inspect and review your education records within 45 days of the day the university receives a request for access.
- The right to request the amendment of your education records that you believe are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of your privacy rights under FERPA.
- The right to provide written consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information from your education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
- The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education Opportunity
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in education opportunity. No person shall be discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment, personnel practices, or access to and participation in, programs, services, and activities with regard to race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or sexual orientation.
Harassment on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or sexual orientation is prohibited. Harassment may occur in a variety of relationships, including faculty and student, supervisor and employee, student and student, staff and student, employee and employee, and other relationships with persons having business at, or visiting the educational or working environment.
This policy is directed at verbal or physical conduct that constitutes discrimination / harassment under state and federal law and is not directed at the content of speech. In cases in which verbal statements and other forms of expression are involved, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities will give due consideration to an individual’s constitutionally protected right to free speech and academic freedom. However, discrimination and harassment are not within the protections of academic freedom or free speech.
The system office, colleges, and universities shall maintain and encourage full freedom, within the law, of expression, inquiry, teaching and research. Academic freedom comes with a responsibility that all members of our education community benefit from it without intimidation, exploitation or coercion.
This policy shall apply to all individuals affiliated with Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, including but not limited to, its students, employees, applicants, volunteers, agents, and Board of Trustees, and is intended to protect the rights and privacy of both the complainant and respondent and other involved individuals, as well as to prevent retaliation or reprisal. Individuals who violate this policy shall be subject to disciplinary or other corrective action.
Students Right to Know Act
According to federal regulations, colleges and universities that administer Title IV funds must share certain information. The Students Right to Know Act includes consumer information about student record privacy, financial assistance, academic programs and policies, and more.
Standards of behavior
The Library and 1st floor of the Student Center are open to the general public. There are Standards of Behavior operating policies and expectations for students, staff, faculty, and community members to observe. To learn more, access the document at the front desks of each building.
As part of your online New Student Orientation, you will complete a training called “Personal Empowerment through Self-Awareness,” which will address additional components of violence prevention, harassment, discrimination, and sexual violence.
For more questions about student rights and responsibilities, conduct, or non-discrimination, contact:
- Dean of students, Maya Sullivan, maya.sullivan@metrostate.edu
- Equal Employment and Diversity Office, eo.diversity@metrostate.edu
Questions to consider
- As a member of the Metropolitan State University community, what are three of your main responsibilities?
- Where can you find information about the Student Code of Conduct?
- What are protected identities according to the Minnesota State’s commitment to “Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education Opportunity?”
- What is the official method of communication with students for all university‐related business?
As a Metropolitan State University Student, you will have access to a variety of services that support your academic experience. The content below includes services that might positively impact your time at Metropolitan State University.
All students have access to parking because you pay an annual fee. You can use your Student ID to enter or exit parking ramps on campuses you are taking classes. Remember to bring it with you when you take classes on campus!
Midway and Brooklyn Park/LECJEC campuses have surface lots students can access.
Parking on the street or in local neighborhoods is discouraged. As a courtesy to our neighbors, please do not park in front of their homes.
Financial aid
Metropolitan State University provides opportunities for student employment, work study, scholarships, and other forms of financial aid disbursement.
If you are eligible for federal financial aid, make sure you complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
You will learn more about financial aid during the “Pay for College” portion of this module.
Registration, student accounts, transcripts, bus passes, etc.
You can access information regarding registration, student accounts, transcripts, bus passes, as well as financial aid, by connecting with Gateway Student Services via website, live chat , or by phone: 651-793-1300 ext. 5.
Food on campus
Metropolitan State University is in the process of identifying a food vendor to be located on the 1st floor of the Student Center on the St. Paul Campus. There are local businesses, vending machines, and a student food pantry, Food for Thought, located on the lower level of St. John’s Hall.
- Midway: Wellington Food Services
- Minneapolis: Tiffin Man Cafeteria and Dunn Bros Coffee
- Brooklyn Park/LECJEC: HTC Bistro
Study rooms, computer access, and printing
Study rooms, computers, and printing services are located in the Student Center and Library. To access a computer or printer, login with your Star ID and/or student ID card.
The Student Center has a study room with a child’s play area. If you are a parent or have dependents, this space is available to help balance the multiple roles you might navigate as a student.
To use a study room, bring your student ID to the front desk, ask for a space to use, and study away!
Library & Information Services
The Metropolitan State University Library (https://www.metrostate.edu/library) and St. Paul Public Library is located on the St. Paul campus. The Library provides access to books, journal articles, videos, online databases, DVDs, e-books, research support, basic computer and technology help, study spaces, computers, and printer use. Students can get their Student ID from the 2nd floor desk as well!
Information Technology Services
Information Technology Services (ITS) provides support for students regarding accessing wireless, portal login issues, classroom or study space technology support, or event technology support. ITS can be reached at: 651-793-1240.
Fitness Center and bathrooms
As a student, you can access the Fitness Center, located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center. There are single-user bathrooms, showers, lockers, and up to date gym equipment available for all users. Stop by the Student Center front desk and fill out a liability waiver, and you’ll be working out in no time!
Bathrooms are located across campus. There are gendered, multi-stall bathrooms and single-user, gender inclusive, accessible bathrooms located in each of the buildings on campus. There are campus maps that illustrate bathroom locations across campus.
TeleHealth Services
Please contact the Counseling, Health and Wellness staff for more information.
The student bookstore is located in the Library. You can purchase books, classroom supplies, and all of your Metropolitan State University swag items here.
Lactation support and resources
Students who are lactating can access support services on campus via Mamava lactation pods or lactation rooms on each of the Metropolitan State University campuses. Metropolitan State University abides by Title IX guidelines in providing an environment that is space and conducive to your holistic success.
Metropolitan State University does not have on-campus housing. For housing, you can check online websites such as Craigslist, Zillow, HomeSnap, Next Door, Facebook (Twin Cities Affordable Housing), Houselink, or University of Minnesota Off-Campus Housing search.
Questions to consider
What service do you contact if you have questions regarding registration, student accounts, transcripts, bus passes, and/or financial aid?
If you need access to a computer, printer, or study room, where are two St. Paul campus locations you can go to?
What service might you use if you need access to an online journal or article for a paper you are writing?
As a Metropolitan State University Student, you will have access to a variety of support that enhance your academic experience, based on your identities, social needs, or academic performance. The content below includes services that might positively impact your time at Metropolitan State University.
The Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) provides tutoring in writing, mathematics, statistics, science, computer science, accounting, finance, economics, and symbolic logic. CAE can be a space for group work, individual practice, or to do homework. CAE also manages the Academic Testing Center, where you can take make-up exams, independent study exams, waiver exams, and online course exams.
Counseling Center
Metropolitan State University offers individual and group counseling and outreach to current students at Counseling Services. Services offered are free of charge, confidential, and address many areas, such as: interpersonal relationships, stress and time management, social or sexual difficulties, grief and loss, emotional issues, eating concerns, academic concerns, and/or conflict resolution. Student can access the MetroCares Hotline (free and confidential) 24/7 by calling: 651-793-1568.
Accessibility and accommodations
The Center for Accessibility Resources (CAR) ensures that all programs, services, spaces, and activities at Metropolitan State University are accessible. CAR provides support regarding reasonable accommodations for academic and co-curricular involvement so that people with disabilities and other marginalized identities have minimal barriers to learning. To learn more about accommodations and accessibility, visit the CAR website or e-mail them directly accessibility.resources@metrostate.edu.
Multicultural Affairs
Multicultural Affairs includes African and African American, Asian American, American Indian, Women’s, LGBTQIA, and Veteran support services. Each of these support services facilitate the academic success of incoming, current, and graduating students to enhance their personal and professional success while at Metropolitan State University and beyond. All Multicultural Affairs offices and staff are located on the 1st and 2nd floors of Founders Hall on the St. Paul campus.
Veteran Services provides comprehensive support to veterans, active service members, military family members, and other military connected students. Veteran Services provides academic guidance, information regarding Veteran Affairs educational benefits, and resource referrals as needed.
Women’s and LGBTQIA Support Services are located on the 1st floor of Founders Hall. Through advocacy, education, and socials programs, support provided by the Women’s and LGBTQIA Resource Center serves to enhance experiences of people with varied gender and sexual identities.
- The Women’s and LGBTQIA Resource Center staff are confidential support resources for students and staff who might be experiencing Title IX related sex discrimination and sexual violence.
TRIO Student Support Services
TRIO Programs are college access and success programs that are funded through the U.S. Department of Education. Students previously in a TRIO program from another institution, new to the college experience or have limited previous college experiences, returning to college after being away for more than five years, or have disabilities may be eligible to apply to the Metropolitan State University TRIO Student Support Services.
International Student Services
International Student Services (ISS) provides high quality advising and counseling assistance in academic, immigration, cultural, financial, and personal issues for international students. ISS facilitates an additional orientation program from international students, oversees work authorizations, and supports students in their admissions process. Students can get involved with the International Student Organization (ISO) to build community and support on campus.
Student Parent Center
Students who are pregnant, parenting a child, or has dependents can access Student Parent Center resources. The Student Parent Center can provide people who are lactating with supplies and resources while they seek their degree.
Career Center
The Career Center helps students develop their career skills by providing tools and guidance, and creating opportunities. Career Center can support you as you choose a goal, create a career plan, and master tools to manage your career development.
Student Conduct and Judicial Affairs
Judicial Affairs enforces the Student Code of Conduct to balance the interests of promoting safety, well-being, and academic integrity of the entire university community with protecting individual students’ rights to due process. Conduct is not intended to be punitive- it is a collaborative adjudication process to center student learning, wellbeing, and efficacy regarding behavior, safety, problem solving, and conflict management.
Equal Employment and Diversity Office
Metropolitan State University is committed to fostering a positive learning, working, and living environment. The Equal Employment and Diversity Office’s role is to assist in the creation of an environment in which every member of the university community is valued and everyone has the opportunity to succeed. This office provides support and investigations regarding nondiscrimination, harassment, sexual violence, immigration resources and support, mediation, and other hiring-related recruitment.
Questions to consider
- What support resource is available if you want to develop your resume and cover letter?
- Let’s say you’re taking a math class for your general education courses, and you really struggled with this subject in the past. Where might you go for tutoring?
- What is an on-campus confidential resource for Title IX related issues?

Student Life & Leadership Development (SLLD) holistically enhances the co-curricular experiences of students through intentional social, cultural, intellectual, and recreational engagement and involvement programs and services at Metropolitan State University.
Our mission is to develop and support a community of critically engaged leaders committed to inclusion, integrity, and lifelong learning.
Whether joining a student organization, serving on a university-wide committee or working group, or attending an event such as a play, conference, educational panel, getting involved allows for students to develop leadership skills necessary for thriving academically and beyond.
Students can use their Star ID to login to the Engage to explore student organizations, events, and other announcements regarding leadership development.
SLLD provides many opportunities for involvement, such as:
- Student organizations
- Including: The Metropolitan Newspaper, Haute Dish Literary Magazine, Theater Underground, University Activities Board, student government, and much more!
- Employment opportunities
- Leadership development workshops
- New student orientation
- Commencement activities
- Summer service projects
- Community cultural events
- University-wide committee or working group participation
- Student art gallery
- Social events, such as Fall Fest, Spring Fest, socials, etc. For a full list of events, go to the Current Student News & Events page.
SLLD is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (suite 204) and is open Monday-Thursday from 8:30am-6pm and Friday, from 8:30am-1pm. There is computer and printer access, study rooms, games to check out, coffee and snacks, and other family-friendly resources.
Follow SLLD on Instagram or Facebook.
For more information about SLLD and getting involved, visit our Engage portal or contact us via e-mail.
Questions to consider
- Where is SLLD located on the St. Paul campus?
- What is the name of the portal to learn about student involvement?
- What are two SLLD involvement opportunities for students?